Maximizing Performance Via
Advanced Pressure Monitoring

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become vital in various industries, from military and defense operations to commercial applications such as agriculture, surveillance, and package delivery. UAVs rely on sensors and advanced control systems to maintain stability, achieve precise navigation, and perform complex tasks. Pressure sensors are among these components, ensuring UAVs operate safely and efficiently under varying environmental conditions.
One primary use of pressure sensors in UAVs is within the altitude and flight control systems. Sensors measure the atmospheric pressure around the UAV, allowing the flight control system to calculate the UAV’s altitude relative to sea level. This real-time pressure data is essential for maintaining stable flight in autonomous operations, where precise altitude control is critical to avoid obstacles and navigate changing terrain. Additionally, UAVs that operate at higher altitudes depend on pressure sensors to adapt to the decreasing air pressure as they ascend, ensuring smooth performance and reliable navigation.
Pressure sensors also monitor and regulate the performance of aerodynamic and environmental control systems. Sensors detect fluctuations in air pressure caused by changes in wind conditions or flight speed, providing the necessary feedback for the UAV to adjust its throttle, flight path, or motor speed. This is especially important for UAVs conducting high-precision tasks, such as aerial mapping or inspection, where even slight deviations in pressure could affect data accuracy. Moreover, in UAVs equipped with gas detection or air sampling systems for environmental monitoring, air pressure sensors ensure the accurate measurement of airflow and gas concentrations.
Pressure sensors are critical for altitude control, environmental adaptability, and optimizing overall performance, particularly in autonomous and long-range operations. By measuring pressure, sensors enable UAVs to respond quickly to atmospheric changes, maintaining stability and functionality across environments.
Unique Capabilities for UAVs
The NimbleSense architecture was designed to maximize performance while being flexible enough to insert application-specific capabilities easily. The result is a pressure sensor architecture with a clear signal and practically no noise, leading to incredible accuracy, TEB, and long-term stability. Specific to UAVs, we have implemented these additional capabilities:
Multi-Range™ technology
A single sensor can accommodate up to seven different pressure ranges to effectively measure pressure across a wide variety of UAV components and systems
Advanced digital filtering
Multi-order filter that leverages advanced filtering capabilities at the front end to eradicate critical noise caused by fans, blowers, wind, or other sources before they can impact system performance
Fast response time
Update rates as fast as 2 milliseconds ensures the most accurate pressure readings and maximizes UAV performance
Position insensitivity
Maintains consistent and highly accurate readings regardless of UAV movement; rated with a positional sensitivity to within 0.25 pascal
Integrated closed loop control
Eliminates the need to design an external closed loop control system, which can reduce loop delays by up to 100x, resulting in even faster UAV response time
Superior’s NimbleSense architecture enables us to develop unique products optimized for different markets. For UAV, we have created the following products. Our architecture is very flexible, so we can also develop custom solutions for your application.