90° Port adapters

For designs with minimal Z-height requirements

Right Angle Adapter

Depending on your product design, you may need the ports facing to the sides instead of the top. Superior offers highly reliable, high-quality adapters that plug into the two ports of our pressure sensors for easy implementation. With these 90° adapters, total z-height clearance with tubing is reduced to 10.75mm.

The 90° port adapters come with o-rings pre-installed. O-rings secure an airtight connection with the pressure ports. Adapters can be purchased in packages of 50 or 1000.

Part NumberConfigurationQuantity
KP-ROR-50o-rings installed50
KP-ROR-1000o-rings installed1000
Drawings and CAD FilesVersionDateDownload
KP-ROR Package for Right Angle Adapters (STEP file)AFebruary 2024
ZIP file Download