
How Temperature Affects Pressure Sensors & How to Compensate


Temperature variations can be problematic for any physical measurement system, and pressure sensors are no exception. Thermally-induced errors can impinge on their overall functionality, specifically accuracy and reliability. For instance, environmental temperature fluctuations can cause sensor output variations independent of the measured pressure. The severity of such output errors depends on the sensor’s thermal sensitivity, with higher sensitivities corresponding to more significant errors. And temperature sensitivity isn’t the only problem.

Fortunately, there are ways to compensate for the many thermal challenges facing pressure sensors. In this blog post, we will explore how temperature influences pressure sensors and discuss techniques for compensating for these effects.

Effects of Temperature on Pressure Sensors

Understanding how temperature impacts pressure sensors is crucial for optimizing their performance. Let’s delve into the primary effects:

Material Expansion

Temperature fluctuations can cause the materials within the sensor to expand or contract. This mechanical alteration can disrupt the sensor’s structure, affecting its output signal. For example, a sensor exposed to high temperatures might expand, leading to changes in the gap between sensor components, which alters the measured pressure. This effect is particularly significant in capacitive pressure sensors, where gap size is critical.

Resistance Changes

Many types of pressure sensors operate using resistive elements. Temperature changes can modify the resistance of these elements, resulting in inaccurate readings. When the temperature rises, the resistive elements may increase in resistance, causing the sensor to register a higher pressure than actually exists. This can be a major issue when attempting to measure pressure accurately across a broad temperature range.

Zero Drift

Temperature variations can cause the sensor’s baseline, or zero reading, to drift. This drift results in measurement inaccuracies, as the sensor may report pressures that deviate from the true value even when no pressure is applied. Zero drift is a common challenge when using pressure transducers in environments with varying temperatures.

Compensation Techniques

To mitigate the effects of temperature on pressure sensors, several compensation strategies can be employed:

Temperature Compensation Algorithms

Advanced pressure sensors are often equipped with built-in algorithms that adjust the sensor output based on the measured temperature. These algorithms can compensate for temperature-induced errors, ensuring the sensor delivers accurate readings regardless of temperature changes.

Integrated Temperature Sensors

Some pressure sensors feature integrated temperature sensors that continuously monitor environmental conditions. By adjusting the pressure readings in real time, these sensors maintain accuracy across varying temperatures. This is crucial for ensuring sensors measure pressure reliably within a compensated temperature range.

Material Selection

Selecting materials with minimal thermal expansion and stable electrical properties over a wide temperature range can significantly reduce the impact of temperature changes. These materials maintain their structural integrity and resistive properties, ensuring consistent sensor performance even when subjected to an applied force.


Regular calibration of pressure sensors at different temperatures is essential for maintaining accuracy. By adjusting the sensor output to account for temperature-related drift, calibration helps to provide reliable measurements across diverse conditions.

Advanced Sensor Technologies

Technologies, such as those implemented in our ND Series, offer compensated operating temperatures ranging from -20°C to 85°C. They deliver high accuracy and stability across a wide range of temperatures. These sensors also incorporate innovative features like Multi-Range technologyTM, advanced digital filtering, and integrated closed-loop control to enhance performance and reliability in varying thermal environments​.

ND Series
ND Series with extended temperature range

Reinforce Pressure Sensors By Using Compensation Techniques

Temperature variations can significantly impact the performance of pressure sensors and can affect their reliability. However, by utilizing pressure sensors that have implemented compensation techniques such as temperature compensation algorithms, integrated temperature sensors, careful material selection, regular calibration, and advanced sensor technologies, it is possible to mitigate these effects. As a result, pressure sensors can deliver precise and dependable pressure measurements across a wide range of temperatures, ensuring optimal performance in various applications. For further insights into Superior Sensor’s advanced technologies, explore our range of temperature compensated pressure sensor products designed for enhanced accuracy.

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